Short Description

In an era of information overload and complex challenges, the ability to think critically is more important than ever. We will guide you in developing a systematic approach to problem-solving, decision-making, and evaluating arguments. Learn to recognize logical fallacies, separate fact from fiction, and navigate biases that can cloud judgment. Explore techniques to gather and analyze evidence, assess credibility, and draw well-reasoned conclusions.


I am a trained Political Philosopher with special competencies in teaching, social communication and human relations. I hold two master’s degrees (Political Science, and International Relations), and a Bachelor’s in Philosophy with a minor in Theatre. I possess strong academic expertise in the discipline, coupled with a sharpened resolve for teaching, coaching and tutoring. My goal is to combine my acquired skills and academic interests to promote creative opportunities for learning.

Tutoring Locations

Office | Public Library | Student’s Home | Online



1 hour



756 students
